You’re one of a kind, placed on earth with a plan that’s yours alone to carry out. God isn’t hiding it. He wants you to know and embrace it!

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV
Tired of living half a life—or even a waking nightmare? Struggling to find meaning in a job you don’t like? Facing graduation or mid-life changes in a faltering economy? Wishing you could rekindle a dream you gave up long ago?
In this practical, energizing guide, pastor and author Craig Groeschel shows how to live life fully by finding, naming, and achieving your unique, God-given goal. The secret: knowing your chazown, a Hebrew word for “vision,” “dream,” or “revelation.” You’ll see how to identify your chazown by taking a fresh look at your core values, spiritual gifts, and experiences. You’ll understand the big picture—and the vital details.
Fulfilling your chazown is one of the most enjoyable, rewarding things you’ll ever do—because the blueprint is customized by your architect, the One who knows you best. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy though, which is why author Craig Groeschel provides plenty of battle-tested ways to stay on course. Why waste another day aiming for the wrong target—or none at all? Take your first steps toward pursuing God’s chazown for you!